Lawrence Okae, the Uganda People’s Congress- UPC party national chairperson has died. Okae breathed his last at Naguru Hospital around 10:00 am this morning, according to his family.   

Okae’s wife Florence Akello Okae was traveling to Kampala this morning to attend to her husband when she received news of his death. 

Although some of the family members say that Okae was diagnosed with pneumonia, his wife says she wasn’t aware of his illness. 

Peter Ebau, the Gweri Sub County LCIII Chairperson where Okae comes from, says that they have lost a pillar of peace in the area. Ebau told our reporter that the death of Okae was very shocking to all the residents in Gweri and Teso Sub Region as a whole.   

Before becoming UPC national chairman, Okae contested for the Soroti County MP seat in 2001 and 2006 but lost to Samuel Anyolo and the late Peter Omolo FDC respectively.